Windows 8.1 magától felébred az alvásból

2014.06.04. Szólj hozzá!

windows alvás wake up sleep ébred windows 8 windows 8.1

What to check to prevent your computer from waking itself up from sleep .

Stop  Network Card from waking your Windows 8.1 PC up from its sleep

Check your network card properties through the device manager and disable the “Allow this device to wake the computer” feature.

  1. Control Panel – Network and sharing center - Change adapter settings
  2. Right click on your network card and select properties.
  3. Press “Configure”Network
  4. Go to the Power Management tab and uncheck the option there to prevent your network card from ever waking up your PC.Network2

Find out what wakes up your Windows 8.1

To find out what event/device woke up your Windows from sleep, go to command prompt (type cmd on the Run/Search box and press ENTER), then type this:
powercfg /lastwake


To get more info on the device that wakes your computer during the sleep, type:


powercfg /devicequery wake_armed


Prevent sharing to wake up your computer

  • Check out your Power Management Options on your Control Panel (Start, Control Panel, Power Settings, Change plan settings, Change advanced power settings).
    “Multimedia settings” option, “When sharing media.” ->”Allow the computer to sleep.


Prevent scheduled maintenance to wake up your computer

Open Control panel – Action center – Expand Maintenance tab – Change maintenance settings and uncheck

“Allow scheduled maintenance to wake up my computer at the scheduled time”



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